Definition: Having the skill or capacity to do something.
Definition: To inquire about something by putting a question to someone.
Definition: A flexible container with an opening used for carrying things.
Definition: To acquire something in exchange for money.
Definition: A small domesticated carnivorous mammal with soft fur.
Definition: Inexpensive; not costing much money.
Definition: A large and densely populated urban area.
Definition: A group of students who are taught together.
Definition: Having a low temperature; not warm or hot.
Definition: A small container for drinking from, typically with a handle.
Definition: To prepare food by heating it.
Definition: A period of 24 hours; the time between sunrise and sunset.
Definition: To consume a liquid through the mouth.
Definition: (Adjective): Moving quickly; not slow. Definition (Adverb): Quickly.
Definition: A male parent.
Definition: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink.
Definition: To come into possession or receive something.
Definition: To assist someone or do something together.
Definition: The place where one lives.
Definition: Having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.
Definition: A building for human habitation.
Definition: A regular activity one does for a living.
Definition: To have or retain possession of something.
Definition: To acquire knowledge or skill through study or experience.
Definition: To give attention with the ear; to hear attentively.
Definition: A strong feeling of affection and attraction.
Definition: An adult human male.
Definition: A female parent.
Definition: The period of darkness in each 24 hours; the time from sunset to sunrise.
Definition: Used to give a negative response or refusal.
Definition: A mathematical value used to quantify something.
Definition: At the present time; at this moment.
Definition: Used to make a polite request or to show politeness.
Definition: To look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words.
Definition: To express in words; to speak or utter.
Definition: To perceive with the eyes; to observe or watch.
Definition: A garment for the upper body with sleeves.
Definition: A covering for the foot, typically made of leather or fabric.
Definition: A female sibling.
Definition: To rest on the buttocks or take a seat.
Definition: Feeling regret, remorse, or sympathy.
Definition: To lay hold of something with one’s hands; to grasp or seize.
Definition: A person who instructs or educates others.
Definition: To express gratitude or appreciation.
Definition: A point or period in which things occur or events take place.
Definition: (Noun): The present day. (Adverb): On this day.
Definition: An object for children to play with.
Definition: To comprehend the meaning of something.
Definition: A method or manner of doing something.
Definition: A period of seven days.
Definition: Used to ask about something.
Definition: (Adjective): Of the color of milk or snow. (Noun): The color white.
Definition: For what reason or purpose.
Definition: A married woman considered in relation to her spouse.
Definition: To mark letters, words, or symbols on a surface.
Definition: The number or quantity that represents nothing.