  1. Geopolitics: The study of the effects of geography (human and physical) on politics and international relations.

  2. Siege: A military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender.

  3. Airstrike: An attack carried out by aircraft dropping bombs from the air.

  4. Reservists: Individuals who are members of a military reserve force and can be called into active duty during emergencies.

  5. Infiltrated: Entered or gained access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously, especially in order to acquire secret information.

  6. Deterrence: The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

  7. Manifestation: An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.

  8. Proxy: A person authorized to act on behalf of another, especially in a legal or diplomatic context.

  9. Convergence: The process or state of converging, coming together, or meeting.

  10. Sanctions: Measures taken by a country to coerce another country into conforming to an international agreement or norms, typically involving restrictions on trade or financial transactions.

  11. Impunity: Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

  12. Miscalculation: An error in judgment or estimation; a mistaken assessment of a situation.

  13. Burden-sharing: The equitable distribution of responsibilities and costs among members of a group or alliance.

  14. Humanitarian: Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare and social reform.

  15. Inflection Point: A critical juncture or decisive moment in a situation where significant changes occur.

  16. Ill-gotten: Obtained through dishonest or wrongful means.

  17. Hurt Locker: Slang term referring to a situation involving great difficulty, danger, or pain.

  18. Wrinkle: An unexpected or minor problem, complication, or difficulty in a plan or situation.

  19. Aid Fatigue: Weariness or exhaustion resulting from the long-term provision of humanitarian aid.

  20. Impunity: Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

Um, coming up on the show today, the death toll in Israel and Gaza continues to rise.The bodies of more than 260 young music festival goers were discovered Sunday.Plus, the geopolitics of Saturday’s attack.Decisions to engage in war by these groups like Hezbollah,Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and others can only happen with explicit a 6th prior direct agreement from Iran.And later, we’re in New York City for a rally in support of Palestinians in Times Square and a rally for Israel on the East Side, and a look at what to do with some 350 luxury vehicles in Gabon.Today is Tuesday, October 10.And this is VOA’s international edition headquarters in Washington.I’m Steve Carrish.We’ll take a look at some of the larger geopolitical implications of Saturday’s invasion of Israel by Hamas.But first, an update on the fighting.Israel has announced a complete siege of Gaza.That means it’ll cut off food, water, and electricity.The death toll in both Israel and Gaza continuesto climb as fighting continues for a third day.Linda Gradstein reports from Jerusalem.Palestinian health officials said several dozen Palestinians,including women and children, were killed inan Israeli airstrike on the Jabalia refugeecamp Monday in Gaza.The health officials said more than 500 peoplehad been killed and 120,000 had fled theirhomes to schools and other areas of Gaza.Ibrahim Nofal is a resident of Jabalia.More than four homes in the Altransarea in Jabalia were destroyed without warning.More than 50 or 60 martyrs.A lot of casualties, unbelievable devastation.Oh, my God.They are pulling out people now.Oh, my God.In Israel, the country remains in shock overthe largest death toll in 50 years.The bodies of more than 260 youngmusic festival goers were discovered Sunday.Hamas gunman kidnapped more than 130 Israelis, manyfrom the festival, and took them to Gaza.One of those missing is 21 year old Adi Maisel.Her mother, Ahuva Maisel, spoke to journalists Monday.It was our last call in which we heard a lotof noises and shootings and bombing and chaos, total chaos.And that was our last call with Adid.And since then, we have no exact accurate position ofher, where she is, in what condition she is.We don’t know if she’s alive or not.We don’t know if she’s somewhere bleeding.We don’t know if someone abductedher, and we are just helpless.Israel says it has now taken overall 22 communities where hundreds of Hamasgunmen had infiltrated and killed civilians.Israel is now on the offensive, andofficials have vowed to make sure hamasno longer has a military capability.Analysts say Israel will have towork hard to regain its deterrence.David Wormser is The Former MiddleEast Advisor to former US.Vice President Dick Cheney.The image of weakness that Israel now suffers under becauseof the catastrophe of the last 48 hours is somethingthat it cannot come out of the war from.If it does, it will affect both peace and war.And in the future, those in the regionwho want to make peace with Israel fullyunderstand what Israel has to do here.It has to essentially achieve a strategic victoryon a level that erases and overpowers transcends,so to speak, the strategic defeat.Israel has called up hundreds of thousandsof reservists, and many expect a groundinvasion of Gaza in the coming days.Israeli officials have told the public to prepare fora long confrontation of at least several weeks.Linda Gradstein, VOA News, Jerusalem.Iran’s support for the Palestinian group Hamas isin the spotlight after Hamas militants crossed intosouthern Israel on Saturday, attacking civilians and soldiers.Several hundred Israelis and Palestinians have beenkilled as the conflict rapidly escalates.Henry Ridgewell has more from London.The Hamas attack on Israel Saturday took mostregional powers by surprise, but many analysts sayIran would have approved the assault in advance.Lena Khatib is director of the MiddleEast Institute at SOAS University of London.Iran has been for several yearssupporting Hamas through funding and throughtraining and through military equipment.Decisions to engage in war by these groups likeHezbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and others can onlyhappen with explicit, prior direct agreement from Iran.But this is very different from saying thatIran ordered these groups to do these attacks.Iran has described Hamas’s actions as themanifestation of resistance, but denied any responsibility.Israel’s President Isaac Herzog blamed an evilaxis whose base is in Iran.Israeli officials say there is no directevidence that Tehran directed the attack. Khaled.El Gindi is from theMiddle East Institute in Washington.This is an operation that was launched bya Palestinian group for its own Palestinian reasons.Hamas is not an operative or a proxy of theyou know, although there may be convergences of interest.What interest would Iran have inrenewed conflict between Hamas and Israel?Geopolitical alliances are shifting fast.Saudi Arabia and Israel are attempting to normalizediplomatic relations supported by the United States.The Palestinian Authority, a domestic rival to Hamas, istaking part in the talks again, analyst Lena Khatib.The deal involved Saudi Arabiatalking to the Palestinian Authority.Hamas was not part of this discussion, and therefore Hamasfelt, first of all, that it needed to be partof any solution to the Palestine Israel conflict.And so we’re talking about a geopolitical contextin which Hamas and also its backer Iran,want to set the political agenda.Meanwhile, Tehran’s negotiations with the west over areturn to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal anda lifting of sanctions have stalled.Khalil Jashan is the executive directorof the Arab Center, Washington, DC.Troublemaking is negotiating by other means, and Ibelieve that this is applicable to this situation.I’m not sure Iran is seeking a larger confrontation.As I said, it’s probably seeking attention andseeking basically to convince the big powers involvedin the region, particularly the United States, totake Iranian role in the region seriously, Washingtonshould reassess its Iran policy, argues Khatib. U. S.Foreign policy has focused on Iran’s nuclear file and hasin a way pushed Iran’s regional role to the margins.I think there is now no denying that Iran’sregional role needs to be central to US. Policy. U. S.Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sundayhe had not yet seen direct evidenceof Iranian involvement in the Hamas attack.Meanwhile, Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahusaid Monday his country’s response wouldchange the Middle East.He did not elaborate on what this meant.Henry Ridgewell VUA News, London.And as we just heard, U. S.Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said he sawno evidence of Iranian involvement in the attacks.With another view is Jonathan Spire.He’s director of research at theMiddle East Forum based in Jerusalem.Because the US Administration has a very definite view of thekind of policy it wants to promote vis a vis Iran,and that is one where it tries to give Iran’s. “ WWW.ARMINIC.COM  “  Some of what it wants in return for Iran keeping quiet.And as a result of that, it seemsto just be not willing to accept newevidence of what Iran is actually up to.And this is the only explanation I canfind for the latest statements by because itis not a secret that Hamas’s military capabilitiesare absolutely dependent on Iranian port.They don’t have any capacitywithout the Iranian support.So why that is not being admitted by America.I think it relates to the broader policy regardingIran, which the United States wishes to pursue andwhich it is not willing to abandon, even inthe face of very strong evidence that the policyis not producing good results.That’s Jonathan Spire of the Middle East Forum.He was speaking with VOA’s Duckhill Elias.And here are some more storieswe’re following from around the world.Longtime environmental lawyer andantivaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr.Said on Monday he will run for presidentas an independent and not as a Democrat.It adds a wrinkle to a 2024 raceheaded towards a likely rematch between President JoeBiden and former President Donald Trump.Security concerns have been raised in Liberiafollowing the deaths of at least twopeople in pre election violence.Political watchers say campaign messaging has deepened politicaldivides, and they’re calling on the national policeto be more proactive during the presidential andlegislative elections set for Tuesday.And U. S.Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Mondaythat he was grateful for a strengthened statementfrom China condemning the killing and kidnapping ofIsraeli and foreign civilians by Hamas issued duringa bipartisan congressional visit to Beijing that includeda lengthy meeting with President Xi Jinping.With Saturday’s attack on Israel saturating theglobal news media, people around the worldare reacting with large scale rallies.Aaron Rennon has the story from New York.Two separate protests engulfed the streets of New YorkCity on Sunday afternoon in the first hundreds ofpro Palestinian demonstrators assembled in Times Square to expresstheir support for the Hamas attack on Israel thathas claimed hundreds of lives.The attack, they argue, was justified.Munir Atala is a New York City resident.I think anything that we see has tobe viewed in its historical context, right?It has to be viewed in thecontext of 75 years of ongoing Israeliethnic cleansing, displacement, and violence against Palestinians.Maria Gill is a New York City resident.To blame them for reacting is absolutely horrific.I’m not pro violence for anyone, but this is horrific.And I want people to understand Palestinians arepeople, and they deserve to be free.On the other side of the city, in frontof the United Nations headquarters, hundreds of demonstrators gatheredto demonstrate solidarity with the people of Israel.Shimon Carney is a New York City resident.The point to be here is to support theIsraeli government against the crimes of the Hamas regimeand to support the Israeli people, my people. I’m here.I’m crying with them.Soon or later, we will hunt them,each and every one of them.Many expressed incomprehension ofthe Hamas militants raid.Ellen Wiseman is a New York City resident.They’re kidnapping small children and babies right out oftheir beds in their homes, and they’re using themas pawns to try to free terrorists.This is insane.Against the backdrop of street protests, mayorEric Adams of New York City affirmedhis steadfast support for Israel on Twitter.In a moment when innocent people arebeing slaughtered and children kidnapped in Israel,it is disgusting that this group ofextremists would show support for terrorism.I reject this.Do not use our streets to spread your hate.As the conflict is still in itsinitial stages, demonstrations like the ones inNew York City Sunday will likely continue.Aaron Raynan, VOA News, New York City.From Washington. It’s VOA’s.International edition.I’m Steve Carrish.There’s a plan for some prettyhefty wealth redistribution in Africa.We’ll hear about that a little later in the program.Up first, though, some news from Washington.President Joe Biden was interviewed as part ofan investigation into his handling of classified documentsby Special Counsel Robert Herr, the White HouseCounsel’s office reported on Monday. U. S.Attorney General Merrick Garland in January named heras special counsel to probe the improper storageof classified documents at Biden’s Delaware home andat an office set up for Biden afterhis 2009 to 2017 vice presidency.A wider ranging inquiry into handling of classifieddocuments has also been directed at Biden’s mainRepublican potential rival in the 2024 elections.That’s former President Donald Trump, who has beenindicted in his case, and now VOA’s.Kim Lewis has the latest from Afghanistan,where an estimated 4500 people were killedin earthquakes over the past few days.Saturday’s magnitude 6.3 quake hit a denselypopulated area in Afghanistan’s western province, Harrod,and was followed by strong aftershocks that’sMullah, Jan and Sayak, spokesman for theMinistry of Disaster Management.The quake also trapped hundreds, and people have beendigging with bare hands and shovels to pull victims,both dead and alive, from under the rubble. The US.Geological Survey said the quake’s epicenter wasabout 40 km northwest of the cityof Harrot, the provincial capital.Kim Lewis, VOA News in opening the UNHCR’sannual refugee conference, the United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees warned that aid fatigue is growingat a time when a record number ofpeople are fleeing conflict, persecution, human rights violations,climate change, and grinding poverty.Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from Geneva.United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandesays the Hamas attacks against Israeli civilians andIsrael’s response in the past few days willcause more suffering for civilians on both sidesand increase instability in the region.He describes the violence as another dangerouspiece in a growing mosaic of crises.At the start of the UNHCR.Refugee conference Monday, he noted it is mainlyconflict that has driven force displacement to arecord 110,000,000 people, the highest in decades.As conflicts grow, he warns, sodoes disrespect for international humanitarian law.During a visit to Egypt, South Sudan and Chadthis summer, he says he met refugees fleeing thedevastating conflict in Sudan who spoke of the destruction,death, torture and rape they left behind.They recounted how they had to run from thebrutal violence that erupted without warning on the 15April, their lives upended as suddenly as were thoseof the Ukrainians the year before and of manyUkrainians now facing every day the death and destructionresulting from the Russian invasion.Grandi says these stories are those of all 110,000,000people around the world who have been forced fromtheir homes by conflict, violence and persecution.He says the global situation is dire and getting worse.He notes violence continues in many places, suchas in the Democratic Republic of Congo wherenearly one and a half million people havebeen displaced this year alone.The high commissioner says he’s extremelyworried that underfunding Hampers UNHCR’s operations.For example, he notes the $1 billion plan tohelp refugees from Sudan was just 25% funded.He adds this is only one of many humanitarianoperations that are short of cash this year andwe’re forced to make drastic cuts in food rations. “ WWW.ARMINIC.COM” Protection needs and other services.Lisa Schlein for VOA News Geneva Gabon’s military appointedgovernment says it will invest about $11.6 million anddistribute close to 350 luxury vehicles said to bepart of ill gotten wealth recovered from the familyand friends of ousted President Alibongo since the militaryhunter took power about six weeks ago.The government says the money will beused to provide public social amenities suchas water, electricity and education.Moki edwin.Kinseka reports from neighboring Cameroon.Gabon’s military jaunta says the government appointedby transitional president General Breeze Clote Oligingemahas begun consultations to determine how bestto use the items recovered from statefunctionaries and business executives under the ruleof ousted president Ali Ben Bongu.Ramon Dong Sima is Gabon’s prime Minister secretaryma, instructedhim to meet with all government ministers before investingill gotten wealth recovered by the military juncture sinceit seized power on August 30.He says Ngema has launched an irreversible battleagainst impunity and corruption and the military junta’sgovernment wants to recover all ill gotten wealth.Sima said on Gabon State TV on Monday thatthe junta has recovered about $11.6 million and closeto 350 luxury vehicles over the past 45 days.Gemma told Gabon’s State TV that he has issuedguidelines on how to distribute the recovered vehicles.Gemma says the 344 vehicles his government recoveredfrom current and past senior state functionaries andpartners of former president Alib Bongu should bedistributed to government institutions, especially schools, universities, hospitalsand water and electricity companies that need themto improve the conditions of citizens.Joseph Marie Efudu is a lecturer inpolitical science at the University of Yawundi.He says Mgema does not want to be seenas someone who betrayed the public in Gabon, whichappears to support the August 30 coup.Before the coup, the Bongo familyruled Gabon for 56 years.He says Gema is carrying out historic changes lessthan 45 days after he seized power to proveto the international community that the military junta heleads saved Gabon from a long iron fisted rulethat impoverished civilians of the oil producing nation.By doing so, he says, Ngema expects theinternational community to lift sanctions imposed to pressfor a return to civilian rule in Gabon.Gabon’s opposition and civil society groups say the governmentalso needs to investigate real except empires and hugeamounts of money hidden in foreign banks by theBongo family and their closed aides.They say bringing back the moneycould ease high levels of poverty.Moki Edwin Kinseka for Von News, Yawundi, Cameroon andthat’s going to wrap it up for us today.This has been international editionon the Voice of America.On behalf of everyone at VOA, thanks for joining us.For pictures, stories, videos and more,follow Voainews on your favorite socialmedia platform and next time, I’m Steve Carrish in Washington.Stay safe and have a great day.Next, an editorial reflecting the viewsof the United States government.During a recent conversation at Rice University,secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized, theworld is at an inflection point.We have the end of an era, the post Cold War era.We have an intense competition that’s underwayto actually shape what comes next.One of the competitors is Russia and Putin’s.Russia and the actions that he’s taken area demonstration that he rejects the order asit’s been, or for that matter, the maintenanceof the basic premises, the basic principles thatdefine the order territorial, sovereignty, independence.Secretary Blinken said.In the face of Russia’s full blown invasion of Ukraine,people understand if Putin is allowed to act with impunity,then the message to would be aggressors anywhere and everywhereis, we can get away with it too.And that’s invitation to a world of conflict, putin’s,Secretary Blinken said, is operating under an illusion.His objective is to outlast, andhe believes that he can.He can outlast the Ukrainians, he canoutlast all of those supporting Ukraine, buthe’s already made a profound miscalculation.And that has played out in a way that’sbeen historically detrimental to Russia and its interests, becauseI think he believed from the outset that noone was going to stand up to the aggression.Not only are the Ukrainian people and theUnited States proving Putin wrong, so are thedozens of countries around the world that areassisting Ukraine with humanitarian, economic, and military aid.Often in these situations, Americans get a littlebit frustrated because it seems like we’re carryingso much of the load we are.But in terms of burden sharing in this particular instance,the rest of the world is doing a remarkable job.In fact, the assistance being providedby other countries exceeds the assistancethat the United States has provided.As significant as that’s been, thefundamental problem is Putin’s belief hecan outlast, said Secretary Blinken.But on the part of those standing up to Putin. Mr.Blinken declared there remains a tremendous determination to seethis through, not only to make sure that Ukrainianscome out on the right side, but that allthe rest of us do too.Because if we let this go, then we’re openinga world of hurt for many years to come.That was an editorial reflecting theviews of the United States government.

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